
What You Should Know Before, During, and After Getting Dental Implants

Are you considering getting dental implants in Colorado Springs, CO to restore your smile? Or maybe you’ve already decided to go through with the procedure. Dental implants are a popular way of replacing missing teeth. It is surgically-placed by an expert like an oral surgeon or dentist using screw-like parts made of titanium.

Since dental implants require surgery, and it is natural to get apprehensive about what you’re about to undergo. A great way to calm those fears is to get a better understanding of what happens before, during, and after getting implants. This way, you know what to expect and how to prepare for it.

Before getting your dental implants

To begin with, your doctor needs to determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. This requires a thorough evaluation that will take into account your dental health, the number of teeth involved in the procedure, which of your teeth need to be replaced, and if there are any teeth that need to extracted before your implants are placed.

During this stage, be sure to be honest to your dentist about your state of health. Tell them important information such as any medications you are currently taking, and medical condition you have such as orthopedic implants or heart conditions. Ask questions you want answers to, such as your anesthetic options and drinking and eating instructions the day of the surgery.

During dental implant surgery

Dental implant surgery often happens in two stages, and the complete process can sometimes take months. Your implant will be the first to be inserted in your bone to create the space for your new dental crown.

After it has been screwed securely and healed, it’ll be re-exposed to accommodate your new implant crown. Your oral surgeon will check all of these thoroughly to ensure the right size and fit.

After getting your dental implants

Expect some swelling and small bruises in your soft tissues and gum after surgery—this is perfectly normal. You might be prescribed painkillers to help with any pain or discomfort, especially if you need to work the next day.

Once you have your new dental implants in Colorado Springs, take care of them properly and have them checked regularly like you would your natural teeth. Your dentist will teach you how to floss and brush your implants, and make sure to see your dentist as recommended in order to maintain the health and longevity of your dental implants.

Dental Implant Surgery,
Dental implant surgery,

Ready to Request an Appointment?

Dr. Thompson and his team truly enjoy getting to know patients and look forward to meeting you soon. Give us a call and request an appointment for your next checkup, get a second opinion, or explore options for your unique dental needs. From all of us at Pine Creek Dental, we look forward to seeing you smile!

Our Reviews

Read our patient reviews to see what patients have to say about their experience with us at Pine Creek Dental.

I have been going to Pine Creek Dental for years. The staff is amazing! They are great at explaining everything as they go. I am so glad I found this place after my previous dentist retired. I will not go anywhere else.


The staff was very friendly and kept me at ease during the entire procedure. We even got to laugh and joke a few times. Love this practice and HIGHLY recommend having any dental work done here!


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