
The Cause and Effects of Cavities and the Treatment a Dentist Can Offer

Cavities are the most predominant dental disease experienced by millions of people around the globe. Only a dentist in Colorado Springs, CO can provide a solution to cavity or prevent them from spreading and infecting other teeth.

How A Does Cavity Form?

When a person eats sweets and does not brush his teeth right after eating, chances are bits of undigested food will get stuck on the surface of the teeth. This invites the growth of bacteria. As the bacteria feeds, the sugar in the food particles reacts with the enzymes from the bacteria to produce lactic acid. It’s this acid that corrodes the teeth.

Is This a Serious Issues?

Cavities may not seem serious at first but as it spread, it becomes an alarming concern for the sufferer. Decay spreads inside the tooth, infecting even the tissues, resulting in a tormenting pain. The pain can be alleviated by taking over-the-counter pain reliever. This, however, does not treat the cavity. The decay will continue until the entire tooth is completely eaten away.

Can the Decay Be Prevented?

Even before the decay starts, a dentist can already thwart it through dental cleaning or bleaching. This method helps eliminates the plaque that serves as the breeding ground for cavity-causing bacteria. In case the cavity has already begun, he can clean it and close it up with dental fillings to prevent it from spreading. Should the cavity becomes irreversible, the infected tooth has to be extracted.

Is There a Way to Replace the Extracted Teeth?

Most dental offices offer traditional dentures to fill the gaps left by extraction. Some, however, offer a more permanent solution—dental implant. This is a dental device that consists of an artificial tooth root and crown. Because the root has also been replaced, the functionality and stability of the missing tooth are also restored.

There are many things a dentist can do to keep you free from dental caries or cavities. This is why it is very important to visit the dentist regularly for either a checkup or cleaning. Also, with the latest technology available in most dental offices, the options for smile enhancement are also becoming limitless. Just see to it that you choose the most reputable dentist to ensure that you will receive the best dental care and services.


15 Myths and Facts About Cavities,

Ready to Request an Appointment?

Dr. Thompson and his team truly enjoy getting to know patients and look forward to meeting you soon. Give us a call and request an appointment for your next checkup, get a second opinion, or explore options for your unique dental needs. From all of us at Pine Creek Dental, we look forward to seeing you smile!

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I have been going to Pine Creek Dental for years. The staff is amazing! They are great at explaining everything as they go. I am so glad I found this place after my previous dentist retired. I will not go anywhere else.


The staff was very friendly and kept me at ease during the entire procedure. We even got to laugh and joke a few times. Love this practice and HIGHLY recommend having any dental work done here!


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